Singapore Pavilion at Archidex 2017

- The Singapore Pavilion being interviewed by the Malaysian trade press – SFIC President Mr Mark Yong (in blue blazer) proudly holding the Singapore flag.
Known as South East Asia’s most successful annual industry trade event for the architecture, interior design and building fraternity – ARCHIDEX (International Architecture, Interior Design and Building Exhibition) 2017 has an expected turnout of over 36,000 visitors regionally and beyond.
For first-time exhibitor BAFCO Singapore Pte Ltd, joining the Singapore Pavilion was definitely the right move. The company with the quirky name, designs, engineers and manufactures overhead and directional fans that range in diameter sizes from 45.7cm to 7.4m. Encouraged by numerous quality business leads, Big Ass Fans plans to participate in future editions.
Held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, the Singapore Pavilion led by SFIC is in its fourth year, comprising 10 industry players keen to get into the action.
Archidex veterans such as Ewins Pte Ltd return each year and for good reason. Ewins Director and SFIC President Mr Mark Yong likes the fact that the show is very targeted and he gets to meet architects and specifiers keen on his products. Opportunities are also aplenty for synergistic collaborations between designers and exhibitors, another draw for the company which is a specialist purveyor of furniture components and fittings, architectural hardware, and innovative surface materials.
It’s not difficult to imagine visitors at Hall 1 stopping in their tracks to give booth number 1M178 at least a cursory glance. Having spared no expense in doing up their booth, it came as no surprise that KompacPlus was selected as the Bronze Award winner for Best Booth Design. A creation of SFIC member, Ms Celine Ng from Fraction Design, the mini installation with a sky-like ceiling and wooden birds crafted from KompacPlus’ countertop materials was the perfect showcase of the materials’ flexibility. Its Business Development Manager Mr Damien Tan was pleased with the win as well as the over 500 sales enquiries received over the 3-day period. Mr Tan was full of praises for SFIC’s assistance in slotting the company into the Singapore Pavilion at the eleventh hour.
Archidex 2017 has pulled in expected sales revenue of over $10m collectively for the Singapore Pavilion, over the course of the next 12 months.