IFFS takes break to rethink, recharge, revitalise and break new ground
For more than three decades, the International Furniture Fair Singapore (IFFS) held in conjunction with NOOK Asia has been Asia’s premier sourcing platform and design-led exhibition.
Like every other industry, the global furniture and furnishings industry is changing rapidly as new technologies and new lifestyles have ushered in new challenges and spawned new opportunities.
As announced last July, IFFS will take a breather and time off in 2020 to restrategise, review the developments closely, rethink formulas and recharge to drive the next phase of growth. We also need to revitalise our resources and concepts by introducing new, exciting and relevant themes, to elevate IFFS to the next level.
We would like to thank all of you for your unwavering support and valued contributions that have made IFFS so successful over the past decades.
Your continued support will be most appreciated.